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Hans Rosling: The Best Stats You´ve Ever Seen

Hans Rosling gives a really technical talk about data and how important it is to use it and make it searchable for the public. Through a passionate and funny delivery, Rosling helps you understand what are the trends in the world and how we could use data to address problems like poverty.

The passion through which Rosling provides his data engages you into the talk and the numbers on display. He has a really clear way to explain all this complex concepts and data, that make you think about the world that we live in and how much it has developed.

 “My interest is not data, it´s the world. And part of world development you can see in numbers. Others, like human rights, empowerment of the women, it´s very difficult to measure in numbers." Hans Rosling

Rosling shows how the world has changed from the 60´s. Many countries have developed in terms of income, where as others still stay at the bottom. It is impressive the tendency of family size and the life expectancy. While back in the 60´s the life expectancy was shorter and the family size was bigger, there is a tendency towards a longer life expectancy and smaller families in 2000´s. The world changes and data can help us understand what is happening.

Data has to play a key role in the process of fixing problems in the world like poverty. Through data, governments and organizations can address these problems in a more detailed manner that will actually have a greater impact. Yet, general solutions are being applied instead of going narrower facing the problem. The necessities are gonna be different in Sierra Leona (one of the poorest countries) than in South Africa.

The great visuals used are great to let you understand better all the numbers thrown in the talk. Rosling aims for a system where data analysis can be more available for the public. If the world can actually learn about the situations of different countries, better solutions can take place to improve society.

An outstanding data is the the positive tendency in overall wealth of countries in the world. If you look at the data from back the 60´s there was a more noticeable difference between a small percentage of the world that had the higher percentage of wealth than the rest of the countries with a larger population but lower overall wealth.

Watch the whole talk and see how much we have to learn from the fact that Hans Rosling gives us. Data is out there to helps us understand what is going on and make a better world with detailed solutions

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