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Chris Anderson: How Web Videos Power Global Innovation

The revolution of internet has come with many benefits and some disadvantages that influence society in a constant basis. Nowadays, we could not live without this intangible invention that entertains, informs, gives voice, and inspires millions of people around the world. Internet has given us the ability to share ideas and with that, innovation increases exponentially.

Chris Anderson, the head of TED, says the rise of web video is driving a worldwide phenomenon he calls Crowd Accelerated Innovation -- a self-fueling cycle of learning that could be as significant as the invention of print. But to tap into its power, organizations will need to embrace radical openness. And for TED, it means the dawn of a whole new chapter.

The sharing of ideas on the internet means that your idea can be seen by thousands and even millions of people. The great audience that there is on the internet also means that there is also a great amount of producers, but the fascinating point is that internet is selective and separates poor videos or ideas from the great ones by giving them more light through the number of views, shares on Facebook, or comments on Youtube.

This ability that we have to get access to millions of ideas gives humanity the tool to empower innovation and make this world better and smarter. Here is an example of how we empower innovation through video, let´s say you are a dancer and you start watching viral videos of people making excellent moves and also innovating and creating new moves that had never been seen before. This is going to make you think that you have to step up your game, and this is great, because in this way you innovate and try to get better and think of new ideas for your next dance.

This can happen mostly with everything, video has the ability to inspire us through the content like the gestures, music, the message, or the voice, for example. Video has the ability to get people together and connect.

For marketers, videography is a great opportunity to connect with people all around the globe thanks to the internet. Since you can express your ideas through more channels than just a simple picture, you can get to the customer and inspire him/her. This is a powerful tool that can be used in many ways such as telling your story, greeting your audience, or inspiring for greatness. It is a way to spread your values or the ideas that you defend, and also to innovate and discover new forms to communicate effectively with your audience.

Watch the video to get a full understanding of what TED President wants to communicate about the power of web videos.

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