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Brené Brown: Be Whole-hearted, Be Vulnerable.

Foto del escritor: Oscar PerezOscar Perez

Brené Brown studies human conection--our ability to empathize, belong, love. In this talk she shares with us a deep insight from her research, one that sent her on a personal quest to know herself as well as to understand humanity. She opens our eyes and helps us understand what is behind those people who live their lives at its fullest.

Humanity is artificially connected with the idea of perfection. We all seek to be perfect to hide those imperfections that we have as humans. People tend to avoid shame and vulnerability to show people the face that they want to be seen instead of their real personality.

 “You either walk inside your story and own it, or you stand outside your story and hustle for worthiness" Brené Brown.

However, people that fully accept themselves and do not care to show weakness are whole-hearted individuals that live a happy life, which is the ultimate goal. Vulnerability and shame is not a problem for these people, they just truly feel belonging and connection, first to themselves and then to the rest of people. Being kind and secure with you is what really matters in order to connect with the rest of the world. Brené Brown shares her research in an effective way that makes you think that it is alright to feel vulnerable, we as humans are vulnerable by nature, and being able to accept that will open doors for a bright and authentic you.

What is sad in our society is that we have built and idea around vulnerability that is not authentic. We think is feeling vulnerable is being weak, however, the bravest people are those that accept their vulnerabilities and do not care about what other people may think, and at that point you truly feel good about your well-being.

The world that we live needs to overcome shame, because a world full of people that want to be seen and exposed is a world where humans are connected to each other, and there is no more human characteristic than connecting and the feeling of affection.

Empathy, to see and feel what others do, is a great human ability that should have more importance in today´s society. Because it makes it more humans, empathy should be thought and encouraged in order to connect between each other.

I personally have empathy, I am interested in the feelings and thoughts of my close friends and family, and also I feel about some major injustices in the world. However, what I am really concerned about is my family and close people in my life, therefore, my empathy could be improved by making bigger my empathy "radius".

I will give you an example, my dad, an excellent person and somebody that I will always admire, as an entrepreneur he has many things going on in life, but his level of empathy is so large that he cannot stop doing solidarity projects to help people that are struggling. He has really live what people living in the Sahara dessert experience or how families in India live happy with only a few things. His empathy level is what this society should be about, to understand what other are feeling and try to help them or at least listen to them. At the end of the day, connecting to other people is what makes us humans.

“There is nothing better to see the smiles of those people that you have just had an impact in their lives" Oscar Perez Garcia.

Watch the video for the full Brené Browns´thoughts. There is an entire world waiting for people to connect and smile.



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